Pre-Sue/Means Report
Make an informed decision before proceeding with a lawsuit
Pre Sue/Means Report
Last Resort Financial Assessment
When all other options have been exhausted and legal action seems like the only path forward, a pre-sue report is an essential step. This report helps you assess the current financial status of an individual or business, including known assets such as property, liabilities, and employment status. With this critical information, you can determine if the individual has the means to repay the debt, allowing you to decide whether pursuing litigation is a viable option.
Pre-Litigation Investigations
Our comprehensive pre-sue report equips you with the data needed to make an informed decision about proceeding with legal action. By examining a wide range of financial and personal details, this report provides a thorough evaluation of the individual or company in question, including:
Personal details verification
Marital status and dependent children
Employment status
Residency verification
Land Registry search for property ownership
Asset search
Company director search
Non-limited company search
CIFAS (fraud prevention) check
CCJ (County Court Judgment) history
Bankruptcy search
At AES Intel, our pre-sue reports give you the confidence to assess whether litigation is financially worth pursuing, helping you avoid costly legal battles when recovery may not be possible.